The Institute Am HaZikaron (עם הזיכרון – “people of memory” in Hebrew) is a noncommercial research center studying the history and the heritage of the Jewish clans and families.

The Institute was founded in 1998 in Tel-Aviv, Israel. One of the main tasks of the Institute is the restoration of the history of certain Jewish families in the context of the history of the whole Jewish people.

Am HaZikaron is researching the origin of Jewish clans, searching the roots of modern Jews, is carrying out the research activity on the mentioned topics, develops and implements youth, educational and social projects in Israel, USA and the countries of the former USSR.

And He took Abraham outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars – if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

Genesis 15:5


Endorsement committee

The Endorsement Committee includes prominent social and political figures. The Institute received supporting letters from two former Israeli presidents – Mr. Moshe Katsav and Mr. Shimon Peres. Our method of family history research was supported by 55 Nobel Prize laureates listed below, who endorsed our work.


Members of “Generations” project
Family trees from 72 countries
Researches of history of Jewish clans

In media


In 2006 the Institute completed the accumulation of the data on many centuries long history of 63 different Jewish clans consisting of data on thousands of people. The data allowed to demonstrate the preservation of certain properties within the clans, providing a principally new approach to the question of the longevity and the survival of the Jewish People. The results were published in an article “The Jewish People as a phenomenon of historical longevity: on the theory of meta-clans and the principles of survival”.

The discovery was awarded the Zeiti Yerushalaim Prize and Medal for contribution to Jewish thought and National Heritage.

Contact us

Am haZikaron
Institute for Science, Culture and Heritage of the Jewish People
Tel-Aviv, Israel

Phone: +972 3 609 4349
Fax: +972 3 695 1712